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Write DAGs with the Astro Python SDK

The Astro Python SDK is an open source tool for DAG development that is built and maintained by Astronomer. The purpose of the SDK is to remove the complexity associated with writing DAGs and setting Airflow configurations. This enables pipeline authors to focus on writing Python code.

The Astro SDK uses Python decorators and the TaskFlow API to simplify Python functions for common data orchestration use cases. Specifically, the Astro SDK decorators include eight python functions that make it easier to:

  • Extract a file from a remote object store, such as Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage (GCS).
  • Load that file to a new or existing table in a data warehouse, such as Snowflake.
  • Transform the data in that file with SQL written by your team.

For extract, load, and transform (ELT) use cases, these functions significantly reduce the lines of code required. The Astro SDK is more similar to writing a traditional Python script than it is writing a data pipeline in Airflow.


The Astro Python SDK currently relies on pickling, which is a Python serialization method that transforms data into a portable format. A more secure method for the Astro SDK to serialize objects is coming soon.


  1. Install the Astro Python SDK package by adding the following line to the requirements.txt file of your Astro project:

  2. Add the following environment variables to the .env file of your Astro project:

    export AIRFLOW__ASTRO_SDK__SQL_SCHEMA=<default-schema>

    To deploy a pipeline written with the Astro Python SDK to Astro, add these environment variables in your Deployment configuration. See Environment variables.

Available functions

The Astro SDK includes task decorators for actions that are most commonly required for ETL pipelines:

  • load_file: Loads a given file into a SQL table.
  • transform: Applies a SQL select statement to a source table and saves the result to a destination table.
  • drop_table: Drops a SQL table.
  • run_raw_sql: Runs any SQL statement without handling its output.
  • append: Inserts rows from the source SQL table into the destination SQL table, if there are no conflicts.
  • merge: Inserts rows from the source SQL table into the destination SQL table, if there are no conflicts.
  • export_file: Exports SQL table rows into a destination file.
  • dataframe: Exports a specific SQL table into an in-memory pandas DataFrame.
  • cleanup: Cleans up temporary tables created in your pipeline.


The following DAG is a complete implementation of an ETL pipeline using the Astro Python SDK. In order, the DAG:

  • Loads .csv files from Amazon S3 into two tables that contain data about the housing market. Tables are objects that contain all of the necessary functionality to pass database contexts between functions without reconfiguration.
  • Combines the two tables of home data using aql.transform.
  • Turns the combined into a dataframe, melts the values using aql.dataframe, and returns the results as a Table object.
  • Creates a new reporting table in Snowflake using aql.run_raw_sql.
  • Appends the table of transformed home data to a reporting table with aql.append.
import os
from datetime import datetime
import pandas as pd
from airflow.decorators import dag
from astro.files import File
from astro import sql as aql
from astro.sql.table import Metadata, Table
SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID = "snowflake_conn"
AWS_CONN_ID = "aws_conn"
# The first transformation combines data from the two source tables
def combine_tables(homes1: Table, homes2: Table):
return """
FROM {{homes1}}
FROM {{homes2}}
# Switch to Python (Pandas) for melting transformation to get data into long format
def transform_data(df: pd.DataFrame):
df.columns = df.columns.str.lower()
melted_df = df.melt(
id_vars=["sell", "list"], value_vars=["living", "rooms", "beds", "baths", "age"]
return melted_df
# Run a raw SQL statement to create the reporting table if it doesn't already exist
def create_reporting_table():
"""Create the reporting data which will be the target of the append method"""
return """
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS homes_reporting (
sell number,
list number,
variable varchar,
value number
@dag(start_date=datetime(2021, 12, 1), schedule_interval="@daily", catchup=False)
def example_s3_to_snowflake_etl():
# Initial load of homes data csv's from S3 into Snowflake
homes_data1 = load_file(
input_file=File(path="s3://airflow-kenten/homes1.csv", conn_id=AWS_CONN_ID),
output_table=Table(name="HOMES1", conn_id=SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID)
homes_data2 = load_file(
input_file=File(path="s3://airflow-kenten/homes2.csv", conn_id=AWS_CONN_ID),
output_table=Table(name="HOMES2", conn_id=SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID)
# Define task dependencies
extracted_data = combine_tables(
transformed_data = transform_data(
df=extracted_data, output_table=Table(name="homes_data_long")
create_reporting_table = create_reporting_table(conn_id=SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID)
# Append transformed data to reporting table
# Dependency is inferred by passing the previous `transformed_data` task to `source_table` param
record_results = aql.append(
target_table=Table(name="homes_reporting", conn_id=SNOWFLAKE_CONN_ID),
columns=["sell", "list", "variable", "value"],
example_s3_to_snowflake_etl_dag = example_s3_to_snowflake_etl()

This Astro SDK implementation is different from a standard TaskFlow implementation in the following ways:

  • You don't have to manually create temporary tables and pass them through XComs. All operations between different database types are handled automatically by the SDK.
  • You don't have to define connections to your databases in each task. Tasks can automatically inherit connection information from Table objects.
  • You can run common SQL queries using Python alone. The SDK includes Python functions for some of the most common actions in SQL.