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Orchestrate Redshift operations with Airflow

Amazon Redshift is a fully-managed cloud data warehouse. It has become the most popular cloud data warehouse in part because of its ability to analyze exabytes of data and run complex analytical queries.

Developing a dimensional data mart in Redshift requires automation and orchestration for repeated queries, data quality checks, and overall cluster operations. This makes Airflow the perfect orchestrator to pair with Redshift. With Airflow, you can orchestrate each step of your Redshift pipeline, integrate with services that clean your data, and store and publish your results using SQL and Python code.

In this tutorial, you'll learn about the Redshift modules that are available in the AWS Airflow provider package. You'll also complete sample implementations that execute SQL in a Redshift cluster, pause and resume a Redshift cluster, and transfer data between Amazon S3 and a Redshift cluster.

All code in this tutorial is located in the GitHub repo.

Assumed knowledge

To get the most out of this tutorial, make sure you have an understanding of:


To use Redshift operators in Airflow, you first need to install the Redshift provider package and create a connection to your Redshift cluster.

  1. If you are working with the Astro CLI, add apache-airflow-providers-amazon to the requirements.txt file of your Astro project. Otherwise, run pip install apache-airflow-providers-amazon.

  2. Connect your Airflow instance to Redshift. The most common way of doing this is by configuring an Airflow connection. In the Airflow UI, go to Admin > Connections and add the following connections:

    • redshift_default: The default connection that Airflow Redshift modules use. If you use a name other than redshift_default for this connection, you'll need to specify it in the modules that require a Redshift connection. Use the following parameters for your new connection (all other fields can be left blank):

      Connection ID: redshift_default
      Connection Type: Amazon Redshift
      Host: <your-redshift-endpoint> (for example,
      Schema: <your-redshift-database> (for example, dev, test, prod, etc.)
      Login: <your-redshift-username> (for example, awsuser)
      Password: <your-redshift-password>
      Port: <your-redshift-port> (for example, 5439)
    • aws_default: The default connection that other Airflow AWS modules use. For the examples in this guide, you will need this connection for Airflow to communicate with Amazon S3. If you use a name other than aws_default for this connection, you'll need to specify it in the modules that require an AWS connection. Use the following parameters for your new connection (all other fields can be left blank):

      Connection ID: aws_default
      Connection Type: Amazon Web Services
      Extra: {
      "aws_access_key_id": "<your-access-key-id>",
      "aws_secret_access_key": "<your-secret-access-key>",
      "region_name": "<your-region-name>"
  3. Configure the following in your Redshift cluster:

    • Allow inbound traffic from the IP Address where Airflow is running
    • Give aws_default the following permissions on AWS:
      • Read/write permissions for a preconfigured S3 Bucket
      • Permission to interact with the Redshift cluster, specifically:
        • redshift:DescribeClusters
        • redshift:PauseCluster
        • redshift:ResumeCluster

    If your Airflow instance is running in the same AWS VPC as your Redshift cluster, you may have other authentication options available. To authenticate to Redshift using IAM Authentication or Okta, see the Apache Airflow documentation.

Sample data

The following examples use the sample database (TICKIT) provided by AWS. For more details on the underlying data, see Sample database.

Using the RedshiftSQLOperator

After you've implemented a connection to Redshift, you can start using the RedshiftSQLOperator. The RedshiftSQLOperator is used to run one or multiple SQL statements against a Redshift cluster. Use cases for this operator include:

  • Creating data schema models in your data warehouse.
  • Creating fact or dimension tables for various data models.
  • Performing data transformations or data cleaning.

The following DAG shows how you can use the RedshiftSQLOperator to run a .sql query against a Redshift schema:

from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import DAG
from import RedshiftSQLOperator

with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2008, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2008, 1, 7),
) as dag:

t = RedshiftSQLOperator(
"schema": "fct",
"table": "listing"

Notice the value for template_searchpath in the DAG() configuration. This value indicates that the DAG looks for the .sql file at /usr/local/airflow/include/example_dag_redshift/sql/fct_listing.sql. For this example, you'll use the following SQL file:

create table if not exists {{ params.schema }}.{{ params.table }} (
date_key date,
total_sellers int,
total_events int,
total_tickets int,
total_revenue double precision
) sortkey(date_key)

delete from {{ params.schema }}.{{ params.table }} where date_key = '{{ ds }}';

insert into {{ params.schema }}.{{ params.table }}
listtime::date as date_key,
count(distinct sellerid) as total_sellers,
count(distinct eventid) as total_events,
sum(numtickets) as total_tickets,
sum(totalprice) as total_revenue
from tickit.listing
where listtime::date = '{{ ds }}'
group by date_key

In this SQL query, there are multiple templated parameters: {{ params.schema }}, {{ params.table }}, and {{ ds }}. Based on the task definition, {{ params.schema }} is set as fct and {{ params.table }} is set as listing. These values are injected into the SQL query at runtime. The {{ ds }} variable is a built-in Airflow Jinja Template Variable that returns the DAG run's logical date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Using templated variables makes your SQL code reusable and aligned DAG writing best practices (particularly in relation to idempotency).

Using the S3ToRedshiftOperator

The S3ToRedshiftOperator executes a COPY command to load files from S3 to Redshift. The following example DAG demonstrates how to use this operator:

from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import DAG
from import S3ToRedshiftOperator

with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2008, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2008, 1, 7),
) as dag:

s3_to_redshift = S3ToRedshiftOperator(

This DAG copies the S3 blob s3://airflow-redshift-demo/fct/from_redshift into the table fct.from_redshift on the Redshift cluster. With this operator, you can pass all the same copy options that exist in AWS with the copy_options parameter. For more information about the COPY command, see Data format parameters. In this example, a copy option is used to change the delimiter for the blob from a pipe character to a comma.

Use the RedshiftToS3Operator

The RedshiftToS3Operator executes an UNLOAD command to Amazon S3 as a CSV file with headers. UNLOAD automatically creates encrypted files using Amazon S3 server-side encryption (SSE). There are numerous use cases for using the UNLOAD command. Some of the more common use cases include:

  • Archiving old data that is no longer needed in your Redshift cluster.
  • Sharing the results of query data without granting access to Redshift.
  • Saving the result of query data into Amazon S3 for analysis with BI tools or use in an ML pipeline.

The following DAG shows an example implementation:

from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import DAG
from import RedshiftToS3Operator

with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2008, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2008, 1, 7),
) as dag:

redshift_to_s3 = RedshiftToS3Operator(
s3_key='fct/listing/{{ ds }}_',

This DAG copies the fct.listing table from a Redshift cluster to the Amazon S3 blob s3:://airflow-redshift-demo/fct/listing/YYYY-MM-DD_ (where YYYY-MM-DD is the logical date for the DAG run). With this operator, you can pass all the same unload options that exist in AWS. For more information on the UNLOAD command, see the AWS UNLOAD documentation.

In this example, based on the parameters set in the DAG, the delimiter for the blob has been specified as a comma and the format of the blob has been specified as a CSV. Any existing files are overwritten, data is not written in parallel across multiple files, and a header line containing column names is included at the top of the file.

Pause and resume a Redshift cluster from Airflow

Amazon Redshift supports the ability to pause and resume a cluster, allowing customers to suspend on-demand billing when the cluster isn't being used. For more information, see Amazon Redshift launches pause and resume.

You may want your Airflow DAG to pause and unpause a Redshift cluster at times when it isn't being queried or used. Additionally, you may want to pause your Redshift cluster at the end of your Airflow pipeline, or resume your Redshift cluster at the beginning of your Airflow pipeline. There are currently three Airflow modules available to accomplish this:

If no operations queried your Redshift cluster after your last ETL job, you can use the RedshiftPauseClusterOperator to pause your Redshift cluster, which would lower your AWS bill. On the first ETL job of the day, you could add the RedshiftResumeClusterOperator at the beginning of your DAG to send the request to AWS to unpause it. Following that task, you could use a RedshiftClusterSensor to ensure the cluster is fully available before running the remainder of your DAG.

The following DAG shows how to pause and unpause a Redshift cluster using the available operators. As the sensor is implemented at the end, the DAG is identified as successful when the cluster state is Available.

from datetime import datetime
from airflow.models import DAG
from import RedshiftPauseClusterOperator
from import RedshiftResumeClusterOperator
from import RedshiftClusterSensor

with DAG(
start_date=datetime(2008, 1, 1),
end_date=datetime(2008, 1, 7),
) as dag:

pause_redshift = RedshiftPauseClusterOperator(

resume_redshift = RedshiftResumeClusterOperator(

cluster_sensor = RedshiftClusterSensor(

pause_redshift >> resume_redshift >> cluster_sensor