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astro dev object import

Import Airflow variables, connections, and pools from a configuration file to a locally running Airflow environment.


After starting your local Airflow environment with astro dev start, run:

astro dev object import

By default, the command imports all variables, connections, and pools from airflow_settings.yaml to your project. You do not need to restart your environment for these changes to take effect.


OptionDescriptionPossible Values
-c,--connectionsImport connections from a given local file``
-p,--poolsImport pools from a given local file``
-s,--settings-fileLocation of the file from which to import Airflow objects. The default file path is ~/.airflow_settings.yaml.Any valid filepath
-v,--variablesImport variables from a given local file``


astro dev object import --pools 
# Imports pools from `airflow_settings.yaml` to a locally running Airflow environment

astro dev object import --settingsfile="myairflowobjects.yaml"
# Imports all Airflow objects from `myairflowobjects.yaml` to a locally running Airflow environment