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astro deployment update


The behavior and format of this command differs depending on what Astronomer product you're using. Use the following tabs to change product contexts.

Update the configuration for a Deployment on Astro. This command is functionally identical to modifying a Deployment in the Cloud UI via the Edit Configuration button.


astro deployment update <deployment-id> <flags>

To run this command in an automated process such as a CI/CD pipeline, set the following OS-level environment variables in a way that the Astro CLI can access them:


After setting the variables, this command works for a Deployment and you don't need to manually authenticate to Astronomer. Astronomer recommends storing ASTRONOMER_KEY_SECRET as a secret before using it to programmatically update production-level Deployments.


OptionDescriptionPossible Values
<deployment-id> (Required)The ID of the Deployment to updateAny valid Deployment ID
--deployment-nameThe name of the Deployment to update. Use as an alternative to <deployment-id>.Any valid Deployment name
-d,--descriptionThe description for the DeploymentAny string. Multiple-word descriptions should be specified in quotations (")
-l,--nameThe Deployment's nameAny string. Multiple-word descriptions should be specified in quotations
-s,--scheduler-auThe number of AU to allocate towards the Deployment's Scheduler(s). The default is5.Integer between 0 and 24
-a,--worker-auThe number of AU to allocate towards the Deployment's worker(s). The default is 10.Integer between 0 and 175
-r,--scheduler-replicasThe number of scheduler replicas for the Deployment. The default is 1.Integer between 0 and 4
-f,--forceForce a Deployment updateNone
-w,--workspace-idSpecify a Workspace to update a Deployment outside of your current WorkspaceAny valid Workspace ID


# Update a Deployment's name and description
$ astro deployment update cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dmv -d="My Deployment Description" --name="My Deployment Name"

# Force update a Deployment
$ astro deployment update cl03oiq7d80402nwn7fsl3dmv -d="My Deployment Description" --force